Astrology and Places: The Equinoctial Solar Eclipse by a Supermoon on March 20
Astrogeography and predicition in mundane astrology: astrogeographical prognosis, predictions and short analyses for political astrology and prediction of topics, developments and karmic issues reflected in politics worldwide.
The Eclipse by a Supermoon on March 20 2015 occurred shortly before the March equinox only 14 hours after the Moon reached it`s lunar perigee – the Moon’s closest point to Earth in its orbit .
The next spring equinox eclipse after 2015 will happen on March 20, 2034. Then there will be two more in this century: 2053 and 2072. Note the spacing of 19 years between these four eclipses of the March equinox sun. (source) Therefore the phase of validity of this equinoctical eclipse can be assumed to last for 19 years or until 2034.
In astrological terms a solar eclipse is a moment when the accumulated informations, spiritual entities, unreleased emotions that have been stuck on the Moon since the last solar eclipse are swept towards the earth by the impact of the Sun`s energies. Because an eclipse has no direct impact on the Moon itself but has only got to deal with the relation between the Earth and the Moon the most important effect is that it sweeps those unsolved issues having to do with the earth back to earth. Unsolved issues could be the memories or remains of the memories of alive or dead living beings which have not been released into the universe.
Global political and economical as well as personal, individual and particularly emotional issues are transferred back to the earth in that moment so that these karmic issues have to be faced and some work done to resolve them.
The positions of the planets at the moment of the eclipse provide detailed information in which fields of our lives the resonance of these unsolved issues lie.

Equinoctial Reconnection
Of course the tropical position of the Sun and Moon at 29°27` in Pisces is the most important constellation to be considered here. The last degree as a part of the twelth phase (27°-30° Pisces) in the development of the sign of Pisces indicates the topic of reconnection with the spiritual plane (Pisces in general) in the stage of reconnection (12th phase). All the other planetary influences symbolize and describe the circumstances under which the equinoctical reconnection takes place.

As you can see the Ascendant, MC and house system are relative for the place for which the moment of the eclipse is calculated and interpreted. For astrogeographical considerations I will concentrate on the morphogenetic resonance of the position of the planets. I`m going to compare the planets` positions with the astrogeographical positions of the places for morphogenetic field level 1 which is the most relevant astrogeographical indicator for global issues. (read more about morphogenetic field levels in astrogeography here)
Berlin and the opposition of the equinoctial eclipse to the german capital plus transits to come
The German Chancellery and Parliament Area in Berlin is located on the last degree (29°) of earth sign Virgo and 10° Cancer. The position of the eclipse at 29° Pisces falls right on the point of opposition to the position of the german government. Therefore the politics of the german government are questioned by the Moon and the Sun in Pisces during the phase when the eclipse is effective which will be around 19 years. This aspect is to be seen as extremely intense in regard to questioning the status of german governments within the country and of course also in european and global politics. But of course it has to be understood that particularly in the case of Germany this position is not complety new but actually a permanent as each of the spring equinoxes which occur every 19 years takes place around the position of 29° Pisces. And it has to be taken into account that Germany almost “traditionally” has had it`s role and has been used for projections as the internationally most questioned and critized country in Europe since the end of World War 2. And another aspect here is that Pisces the sign where the eclipse took place is the main indicator for italian, roman and catholic cultures. The historically interesting context here is that the Holy Roman Empire (an equivalent to Pisces as the sign of Italy + roman catholic culture) which existed in Germany between the 8th and 19th centuries was accepting the rule of the Popes and therefore of Rome over the german kings. This tradition of Italy and Pisces orientated politcs has been continued through the foundation of the European Union through the Treaty of Rome in 1957 signed on Capitoline Hill the spiritual heart of the former Roman Empire. Therefore the aspect of Pisces is and has been to some extent included as a habitual point of orientation of german politics towards Rome and later towards the European Union for over 1000 years. Therefore the position of the March 20 eclipse even if it indicates no strengthening of the independence of german governments it does surely indicate the strengthening of the orientation of german governments towards the European Union and the influence of the EU on german governments. This “interactive complementary opposition” of the german government with the European Union is further emphasized by the straight astrogeographic opposition of the European capital Brussels at 21°Pisces with the german capital. This conjunction identifies Brussels role as a major point of resonance with the 2015 equinoctial solar eclipse. The conjunction of the eclipse with the astrogeographical position of Brussels so indicates that the karmic issues brought up by the eclipse are working in favour of the European Union while they are challenging the german position. But this is only one aspect of the whole “interactive roulette” of this astrological transit in regard to the European Union. In fact the capitals of the founding members (Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands) of the European Union are linked together by a Grand Cross directly stimulated by the eclipse: Rome (29°Gemini + 15°Gemini), Paris (27°Sagittarius + 7°Aquarius), Berlin (29° Virgo + 10° Cancer) and Brussels (21°Pisces + 10°Scorpio with Amsterdam at 29°Pisces + 4°Libra). It is really fascinating to watch how my astrogeographical calculation can reach such a level of systemical insights, clarity and really strong evidence about the basical interaction at the foundation of here. Read my post about the EU Parliament.

The times around spring equinoxes can in fact be seen as climax points of the questioning of german and european politics. As far as germany is concerned this is at least since the shift of the government from Bonn (astrogeo. pos.: 24° Aries + 13° Scorpio) to Berlin.
For evaluation of the effects of the transists of the outer planets to the astrogeographic position of Berlin their transits during the fascist era (1933-45) have to be considered as most important. The events around the Wall Street Crash in 1929 and the following Great Depression fell in the phase of Uranus` transit in Aries in a square to Berlin`s coordinate at 10° Cancer from July 1928 until March 1931 resulting in the Fascist and the Russian led Communist Party together at 50 % votes in the 1932 elections. The years used for their war preparations by the Hitler`s regime symptomatically displayed a lack of problematic tranists to the position of Berlin. The lack of problematic apects of the outer planets so turned out to be a phase of unhindered expansion of the fascist government. In fact it was in the second year of World War 2 when the first major transit of the outer planets in relation to Berlin ocurred: the passing of Neptune over the position of Berlin at 29° Virgo between October 1940 (27°Virgo) and August 1944 (2°Libra). The conjunction of Neptune with the capital may be evaluated to some extent as a state of endorphine paralysis for the population which only ended when the defeat and destruction of the city were in an advanced stage.

The astrological chart for the german Capitulation in World War 2 calculated for 10 May 1945, 23:10, Berlin. Rahu the north node of the Moon was in exact transit of Berlin`s astrogeographic coordinate at 10° Cancer conjunct Saturn and in a square with Neptune in Libra and Mars, Moon and Venus in Aries.
As far as the german capital is concerned the “decisive” astrogeographical transit during the process of the delayed german capitulation in May 1945 was Saturn`s transit over Berlin and in a square to Neptune in Libra between August 1944 (6° Cancer) and July 1945 (14° Cancer). Saturn appears here as the executor of karmic responsibility in a square to Neptune who as being conjunct Berlin`s astrogeographic coordinate at 29° Virgo during the largest part of World War 2 was now about to move into a square position to Berlin`s second coordinate at 10° Cancer. Neptune`s square transit to Berlin took place between September 1945 (6° Libra) and September 1949 (14° Libra). During this period the City was divided into 4 sectors which later split into 2 halfs and lost it´s status as the capital. What may be even more important for astrological consideration than the loss of territorial sovereignty here in regard to Neptune transits was the loss of any moral rights of the german nation, culture, pride and self-image for considering itself part of the community of humans because of the genocide against european Jews and the long list of german war crimes.
For judgement of transits it is to be noted that Neptune`s transit in a square to to coordinate 2 of Berlin was not the phase when these crimes were committed but instead the phase when they became public and effective for the political status, self-image and financial situation of what was then the former german capital.
A historical proof of how intensely effective the transits of planets in major aspects to the astrogeographic position of places can be is the conjunction of Saturn with Neptun at 10° Capricorn on November, 13 1989 4 days after the opening of the Iron Curtain at the Berlin Wall on November, 9 1989. The conjunction happened in excact opposition to the astrogeographic coordinate of Berlin at 10° Cancer.

Fall of the Berlin Wall on November, 9 1989, 21:20 with Saturn conjunct Neptun at 10° Capricorn in direct opposition to the astrogeographic position of the german Capital at 10° Cancer and Jupiter at 10°Cancer conjunct the astrogeographic position.
Remarkably enough the german and russian capitals have one astrogeographical aspect conjunct: the position around 10° Cancer. This aspect could to some extent explain the direct rule of Moscow over East Berlin between 1945 and 1989. Apart from that it is in fact really promising for a future political and economical cooperation between Germany and Russia. Since Uranus and Pluto have been transiting and challenging the position of Berlin and Moscow in Cancer simultaneously from an opposite position (Pluto in Capricorn Jan 2013 – Jan 2015) and from a square (Uranus in Aries May 2013 – Jan 2015) their coming transits are to be considered as comparatively relaxing for the situation of the countries` governments. Both Pluto and Uranus are moving away from the tense position they had taken in the last 2 years. For Russia see the text below.
The next really tight aspect of tension to be expected for the position of the german government in regard to its astrogeographic position is the transit of Saturn over 29° Sagittarius in a square from February 2017 until January 2018. As the next elections to the german parliament will be held during this period in September 2017 the current government could and hopefully will be under intense pressure by then.
A transit of historical dimensions for the position of the the german capital will be the period of Neptune`s transit over 29° Pisces in opposition to Berlin between May 2022 (25° Pisces) and March 2027 (3° Libra). Through this transit Neptune for the first time since World War 2 moves in opposition to his position at the start of World War 2 and during the phase when Hitler`s armies attacked all other european countries. The transit in oppostion indicates also the opposition to the crimes committed during that period (October 1940 (27°Virgo) and August 1944 (2°Libra)). So for Germany the past should be a major issue to be dealt with during that period. But that should not be mistaken with the much more urgent current issue of the problem of Germany`s extreme export surplus which might lead to confrontations with business partners. Germany`s role on the stage of international politics could be intensely questioned particularly during the first half of this transit. This is indicated here through the “stage appearance effect” which due to the 7th house character of oppositions is a well-known aspect of such transits with individuals. The transit of Saturn in opposition to Berlin between April 2025 (26° Pisces) and March 26 (3° Libra) will most probably be the climax of this Neptune transit. The Saturn – Neptune conjunction on February 20 2026 just like the last one in November 1989 (Opening of the Berlin Wall) falls in exact opposition with one astrogeographical coordinate of Berlin.

The close relationship of the Saturn – Neptune conjunctions during the 20th century with the history of the USSR, Communism and Germany is legendary: The Russian Revolution on 8 Nov 1917, the East Berlin Uprising on 17 Jun 1953 and the Opening of the Berlin Wall on 9 Nov 1989 mark central events close to the 3 conjunctions of these two planets. Theses conjunctions occur regularly every 36 years.

The Saturn – Neptune conjunction on February 20 2026 just like the last one in November 1989 (Opening of the Berlin Wall) falls in exact opposition with Berlin. And again Jupiter will be conjunct the position of Berlin at 10° Cancer so that the topic related to political solutions of karmic issues having to do with the Iron Curtain should definitely come on the agenda of german history again during the year 2026.