Astrology of Events and Places: The Eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991
Both astrogeographical coordinates of the caldera lake of Mount Pinatubo span from the water sign Scorpio to the fire sign Sagittarius. This is valid for the astrogeographical radius level 3 which describes how the site is embedded in the surrounding area. Radius level 3 of course can not be considered to understand the worldwide effects that the eruption of Mount Pinatubo had, but it may be useful for observing the exit place of the volcanic pipe. Sagitarius as a fire sign can be judged as an indication for the presence of magma and for the instability of the mountain top. Scorpio stands for the tendency for a solid and stable cap, that could hold back eruptions for longer periods of time, the congested energies at the place and for the rare but extreme eruptions.
The main phase of the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 started with a smaller eruption on 12 June 1991 at 3:41. The eruptions increased during the day and on the 13th and 14th of June when the eruption column reached a height of 24 km. On 15 June 13:42 the climactic eruption began accompanied by heavy seismic shocks while Typhoon Yunya struck the island about 75 km north of Mount Pinatubo. The climactic eruption lasted until around 22:30 when it began to cease. The eruption column on that day reached a height of 34 km and pyroclastic flows extended up to 16 km from the summit.
In order to evaluate the worldwide meaning of the eruption of Mount Pinatubo the astrogeographical radius level 1 should best be observed. How meaningful and exact the resonance of the constellations of radius level 1 can be for catastrophical incidents in nature can be observed in the cases of the Haiti and Fukushima earthquakes. For both events Pluto was in exact conjunction with one astrogeographical coordinate of the place for radius level 1. For the day of the eruption of Mount Pinatubo this was the case with Saturn, whose position was only 1° away from the astrogeographic coordinate at 5° Aquarius. The two coordinates of Mount Pinatubo for astrogeographical radius level 1 are Pisces and Aquarius. For field level 1 compare also: Supertyphoon Yolanda, San Onofre, Crimea Earthquake, Krakatoa and the extreme weather events of 536 AD), Haiti earthquake, Fukushima, The Nepal Earthquake on 25 April 2015
If one compares the three charts for the beginning of the main phase of the eruptions, the climax and the end of the main phase a rather clear and vividly illustrative astrological recapitulation of the events can be observed.
Chart 1 Pinatubo
Starting of the Main Phase of the Eruption
12 June 1991, 3:41, Manila
(data source: german wikipedia article)
This chart displays a most interesting aspect of the beginning of the main phase of any volcanic eruption. If midheaven of an astrological chart is taken to represent the position on top of the mountain, then the IC, the place opposite of midheaven stands for the movement going on underground. In this chart Mars, Jupiter and Venus are conjunct the IC in the fire sign Leo, which because of its being the fixed fire sign is the main indicator for movements of magma (burning of solid materia).
These three planets were in opposition not only to the astrogeographical coordinate of the site but also to Saturn, who represents the solid rock material that served as a cap on top of the volcanic pipe. Particularly the conjunction of Mars with Jupiter in Leo may hint at the intensity of the energies that were urging to be discharged.
Chart 2 Pinatubo
Beginning of Climactic Phase of Eruption
15 June 1991,13:42, Manila
(data source: german wikipedia article)
Chart 2 calculated for the moment of the beginning of the climax of the eruption clearly shows the reverse situation of chart 1. The indicating factors for magma (planets in Leo) are in the tenth house and even close to the eleventh house while the bubble of magma is blown into the stratosphere.
Chart 3 Pinatubo
Subsiding of the Eruption
15 June 1991, 22:30, Manila
(data source: german wikipedia article)
Chart 3 shows the moment when the eruption began to subside – the indicators for magma are below the horizon and Saturn in the 12th house indicates that the instability is complete, so that the magma can flow out from its reservoirs freely.
The San Francisco Earthquakes in astrogeography
Compare: Supertyphoon Yolanda, San Onofre, Crimea Earthquake, Krakatoa and the extreme weather events of 536 AD, Haiti earthquake, Fukushima, The Nepal Earthquake on 25 April 2015, Mount Pinatubo Eruption.
For more understanding of my method of interpretation of events on this planet see the cases of the two San Francisco earthquakes. Both incidents reveal the tension between the surface structures (above epicenter) (10th house) and the structures below the ground (below epicenter)(4th house):
The San Francisoc earthquake on 18 April1906 was one of the first catastrophies in modernity. Neptune near the IC could indicate lose material (magma, sea water) below the epicenter only a few km east (house 3) of the epicenter while Uranus in tight opposition to Neptune at midheaven indicates a sudden discharge of tension being pressed upwards. Mercury in a square to the two outer planets because in a position in the east indicates pressure from the North-American Plate towards the epicenter near San Andreas Fault.
The astrogeographic potions of the epicenter at 23° of the earth sign Virgo and 0° of earth sign Capricorn were not intensely aspected through direct aspects. But of course the mirrorpoints of the critcal square constellation of Uranus at 8° Capricorn (22°Sagittarius), Neptune at 8° Cancer (22°Gemini) and Mercury at 8° Libra (22° Virgo) have a tight and strong relation to the epicenter coordinate of 24°Virgo. The major astrogeographic aspect are mirrorpoints in this case.

In the case of the “1989 Loma Prieta earthquake” the typical tension indicated by an opposition of planets between houses 4 and 10 occured between Jupiter in Cancer (a spring of unsolid material) below the west of the epicenter (IC-MC Line) and the Neptune – Saturn (constellation of destabilization) conjunction above. Again Mercury took the position of a tight square to the epicenter, this time from the west (house 7).
The epicenter of the Loma Prieta earthquake is located at 8° of the earth sign Capricorn and 11° of the air sign Libra. The astrological transits of the astrogeographic positions are outstanding in this case. Saturn exactly at 8° Capricorn on that day and Neptune at 10° in the square to Mercury at 9° Libra show how the resonance of the astrogeographic positions was triggered through the morphogenetic field.