Popocatepetl in astrological vulcanology
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Astrogeographic positions of the crater areas of Popocatepetl and Iztacihuatl for morphogenmetic field level 3 which describe the energetical topics of the peak areas of the two vcolcanoes: the crater area on top of Popocatepetl the “Smokey Mountain”is located in the combination of highly energetic, magnetic, emotional, royal fire sign Leo sign of the sun, gold, light and the heart and an important indicator for magma and solid water sign Scorpio sign of fortresses, towers, defense, trauma, demons, the underworld, closed up containers, accumulation of pressure and an important indicator for volcanic activity. Popocatepetl`s energetical topics are in a square – an aspect of high tension – to each other. Both signs indicate intense volcanic activity below th volcanic chimney.
The crater area of Iztacihuatl the “White Woman” lies in the combination of spiritual air sign Aquarius sign of the sky, heaven, paradise, reconnection, self-finding, explosion and discharge and female air sign Libra sign of relationship. love, harmony, beauty, angels, gates and openings and its function as a breathing site for mother earth with a stop gap function. The posaition in two air signs stands for an opening in the ground and a site of discharge and release and not as in the case of Popocateptle a site of accumulation of pressure.
The opposition of the positions of the 2 volcanoes in Leo and Aquarius explains the polarity between the two in which

Astrogeographic position of Popocatépetl for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the supraregional resonanceof its position for the whole of North and South America: the astrogeographical longitude coordinate of Popocatépetl is located at 16°Libra and the astrogeographical latitude position is 23°Sagittarius.
Eruptions of Popocatépetl
A violent VEI-6 eruption in the mid-to late first century CE may have caused the large migrations that settled Teotihuacan, according to DNA analysis of teeth and bones.
The Nov 2017 eruption under a Mars-Pluto square

The most recent eruption of Popocatepetl on 10 November 2017 occurred while Mars at 11°Libra is approaching the exact astrogeographical position of the caldera at 16°Libra which he will reach by Friday Nov. 17. That date represents the clinax of Mars´ direct effect on the position of the volcano. This Mars transit falls in a period in which the caldera position had been under extreme tension through the current square transit from Pluto in Capricorn over a longer period since May 2015. The exact Mars- Pluto square will occur on Sunday 17 November.
The fact that Pluto has been moving in a square to the volcano for over two years without eruptions may seem not really an indication for a larger eruption to be expected on the near future from the point of view of experience in astrological transits in relation to individuals, But such conclusions are not the same in astrogeographical measurement of surface fields. While Pluto is moving forward in Capricorn the exerted pressure moves eastwards and away from the exact position of the volcanic pipe – that`s all we know. But we should be aware that there is the possibility of underground structures to the east of the volcano that could directly effect the area below Popocatepetl.