Astrology & Magical Places: The Beauty of Mount Taranaki – on the astrogeographical position of the New Zealand`s highest stratovolcano.
Mt Taranaki (“shining peak”) in New Zealand is a 2518 m high stratovolcano possessing one of the most symmetrical volcanic cones in the world. With only 135.000 of age Mount Taranaki is a relatively young formation in the development of the New Zealand archipelago.

Astrogeographical position for morphogenetical field level 3 which describes how the peak area is embedded in the whole of the mountain range: the summit area has both coordinates next to cardinal divides. One at 0° of air sign Libra indicating the importance of the mountain as a weather divide, Libra`s qualities are: sign of harmony, balance, angels, beauty, symmetry, decoration & exposed landmarks. Libra is the dignificator here for the current particularly symmetrical shape of the volcano.
The 2nd coordinate lies at 0° Cancer indicating the importance of the mountain as a water divide. Cancer sign of springs, rivers, the Moon, feeling at home, fertility, ancestors. The position of both coordinates on cardinal divides is an indication that the current position of the summit area is an expression of a process which has led to a comparatively stabilized situation at tnear the
For further evaluation of the significance of the astrogeographical position of Mt. Taranaki for field level 3 let´s take a look at the two smaller peaks nearby.
At Mt Pouaki an older and much smaller (1394 m) peak 7 km north-west of the Taranaki summit the astrogeographic position falls right in the center of dynamic, movable fire sign Sagittarius the most important indicator for lava and a frequent indicator for active lava craters and more frequent eruptions. The second coordinate here lies in the first decade of water sign Cancer. This constellation indicates an eruption during a phase of relative instability.

Panitahi (Fanthams Peak) with an altitude of 1,966 metres is a younger crater located only 1,5 km south of the Taranaki crater summit. Its astrogeographic position has one coordinate in the middle of fire sign Leo the sign of emotional self-expression and giving birth and as such an indicator for an energetical situation which particularly supports massive eruptions. The second coordinate here lies in air between 7° and 9° of air sign Libra. Prognosis: The astrogeographical comparison indicates that the importance and stability of this side-peak appears to be depending on the situation at the nearby cardinal divides at the central Taranaki summit crater.

Astrogeographical position for morphogenetical field level 1 which shows how the larger region in the west of New Zealand`s North Island is embedded in the NZ archipelago 2000 km off the south-east coast of Australia: The strong impact of volcanic activity in the region which in is discharged by Mount Tananaki can be explained by the fact that both coordinates of the Tananaki area lie right in the middle of highly stable, solid water sign Scorpio (18° & 13° Scorpio) the sign of the fire of water and the underworld and as such an indicator for particularly solid underground magma chambers. Scorpio is typical for such areas and regions. Scorpio indicates rock formations that arestable enough to amount much pressure leading to intense discharge of lava through the volcanoes. Scorpio is a major astrogeographical factor for such archipelagoes created through volcanic acticity. The home of the volcanic goddess Pele in the region west of Mt. Kīlauea in hawaii has both coordinates in Scorpio too.