Astrology, Geology and Places: Mines in Astrogeography
Fimiston Open Pit or Super Pit is Australia’s largest open cut gold mine located at Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
Astrogeographic position for field level 2 which describes how the mine is embedded in the region: both coordinates are located in solid, fixed water sign Scorpio sign of the underworld, metalworking, welding and indicator for the colossal engines, industrial installations and fortress like walls built to fortify the mine crater here. As the sign of transformation and alchemy Scorpio is also to be seen here as the indicator for the transformation of the landscape through the mining and of the process of seperating the gold from the soil.
Ranger Uranium Mine is located in Kakadu National Park, in the Northern Territory of Australia. The Uranium was discovered in 1969 and mineing operation begun in 1980.
Astrogeographic position for field level 2 which describes how the mine is embedded in the region: both coordinates are located in highly profitable earth sign Taurus sign of the earth, soil and grounding. One of the coordinates is in the middel of Taurus and for the second one the midpoint of the mine is located exactly on the divide between Taurus and practical air sign Gemini sign of technology, curiosity, learning and the hunger for innovations. Gemini is the indicator for the technology applied to exploit the land here and as the ruling sign for mercury and other metals is to some extent maybe even a potential indicator for Uranium which could also be related to Aquarius in the first places but in regard to other aspects possibly also to Scorpio (plutonium) or Leo the sign of power stations.
Chuquicamata in northern Chile located at 2,850m above sea level is by excavated volume the biggest open pit copper mine in the world.
Astrogeographic position for field level 2 which describes how the mine is embedded in the region: in a classical constellation for mines Chuquicamata Mine has one coordinate in Virgo the sign of mining (and dwarfs) and one in Capricorn the sign of mines (and rocks & mountains). As the midpoint of the mine lies on the divide between earth sign Capricorn and air sign Aquarius the aspect in Capricorn is valid for the north half of the pit while the south half lies in Aquarius at the outstandingly important Grasberg gold & copper and the Kimberley diamond mine.
Earth sign Virgo may indicate a highly efficient approach to the exploitation of the land but although an indicator for the protection of nature is no guarantee at all.
Grasberg Mine is the largest gold mine and the third largest copper mine in the world. It is located near Puncak Jaya, the highest mountain in Papua, Indonesia.
Astrogeographic position for field level 2 which describes how the mine is embedded in the region: located right on a cardinal divide between practical air sign Gemini sign of intelligence, technology, curiosity, learning and belief in the superiority of technical solutions and emotional water sign Cancer sign of springs, wells, the uterus, motherhood, caves in general and of feeling at home. The second coordinate in air sign Aquarius is an indication of the slavery like working conditions. Aquarius is the sign of the sky and not of the ground. That`s why it´s natural direction would not be into the ground but away from it. But on the other hand Aquarius`s “radical” approach to finding solutions can as the word says be seen also as in regard to searching for the roots of things. In this sense places in Aquarius may stimulate (provoke) even extremer hypes than places in other signs and undergo extreme and radical changes of culture, atmosphere and use. The Kimberley Diamond Mine is another example for a mine located in Aquarius.
Crater of Diamonds State Park is a 911-acre (369 ha) Arkansas state park in Pike County, Arkansas.
Astrogeographic position for field level 2: located in the combination of earth sign Capricorn sign of the hardest rocks and as such a highly relevant indicator for diamonds with air sign Libra which explains that the site is open for playing diamond quest here.
Kimberley Diamond Mine (or Big Hole) is an open-pit and underground mine in Kimberley, South Africa claimed to be the largest hole excavated by hand. It was exploited between 1871 and 1914.
Astrogeographic position: both coordinates of the Kimberley Diamond Mine are located in air sign Aquarius sign of the sky. Aquarius is no plausible indicator for mining at all, but It may be evaluated as a natural indicator for diamonds. The most plausible aspect of the resonance of Aquarius at the site is the slavery conditions under which the mining was carried out.
The Mir or Mirny Mine is a former open pit diamond mine in East Siberia. It is 525 meters deep and has a diameter of 1,200 m and is one of the largest excavated holes on our planet. Mirny was the first and largest ever diamond mine in Russia. It was discovered on June 13, 1955.
Astrogeographic position: the midpoint of Mirny Mine is located in the extremely auspiscious and profitable constellation of the earth sign Taurus the sign of money and wealth with the profit-orientated fire sign Sagittarius the sign of luxury and know-how.
The constellation is valid for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere of the mine itself
Hull Rust Mahoning Mine established in 1892 in Hibbing, Minnesota, USA is the largest open pit iron mine in the world.
Astrogeographic position for field level 2 which describes how the mine is embedded in the state of Minnesota: the area is located in the combination of fire sign Aries the natural sign of iron together with solid earth sign Capricorn the sign of mountains and probably the most important astrogeographical indicator for mines. The combination of Aries the sign of fighting for survival together with Capricorn the sign of government institutions is the classical combination for planned warfare and the warrior casts. This is important here because of the close relation of iron with warfare.

photo: Bodoklecksel, GNU/FDL
Garzweiler surface lignite mine is the largest open pit mine in the world.
Astrogeographic position for field level 2 which describes how the mine is embedded in Germany: located in the combination of earth sign Taurus the sign of the earth, agriculture and soil and as such an indicator for the exploitation of the ground. Second coordinate is in Taurus opposite sign Scorpio sign of metalworking, welding and collossal sculptures and indicator for the superlarge baggers constructed for the special conditions here. As the sign of transformation Scorpio is also to be seen here as the indicator for the transformation of the landscape through the mining.
Kennecott Copper Mine or Bingham Canyon Mine is an open-pit mine extracting a large porphyry copper deposit southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah, USA opened in 1906. With 4500 m it is the deepest open pit mine in the world.
Astrogeographic position for field level 2 which describes how the mine is embedded in the region: located in earth sign Taurus the sign of the earth, agriculture and soil and as such an indicator for the exploitation of the ground. Second coordinate is right in between air sign Libra and Taurus opposite sign Scorpio sign of metalworking, welding and indicator for the colossal engines, industrial installations and fortress like walls built to fortify the mine crater here. As the sign of transformation and alchemy Scorpio is also to be seen here as the indicator for the transformation of the landscape through the mining and of the process of seperating the copper from the soil. And last not least Scorpio`s role as the sign of the underworld is an aspect to be examined here.
The Berkeley Pit in Butte, Montana is the most poisonous mine pit on earth. Millions of tons of copper ore, silver, gold, and other metals were extracted from the soil here between 1955 and 1982. Today the pit is filled with heavily acidic water (2.5 pH level), about the acidity of cola or lemon juice. As a result, the pit is laden with heavy metals and highly poisenous chemicals that leach from the rock, including copper, arsenic, cadmium, zinc, and sulfuric acid.
Astrogeographic position for field level 3 which describes how the mine pit is embedded area: located right in between neutral air sign Gemini sign of curiosity, technology, experiments, learning and water sign Cancer sign of springs and lakes. The second coordinate too is in a water sign: Pisces sign of hiding, intoxication, corruption, illusions, letting go and giving up control.