Astrology & Hotels: Dog Bark Park Inn
The Dog Bark Park Inn is a two-bedroom Bed & Breakfast located in Cottonwood, Idaho. The hotel is built in the shape of a beagle and the interiour features also dog-themed contents.
Astrogeographic position for field level 4 which describes the exact position and atmosphere of the hotel itself: Dog Bark Inn is located in between service orientated air sign Libra sign of decoration, balance, harmony, beauty, angels and most impotant indicator for naive painting and solid, defensive water sign Scorpio the sign of sculpting. Scorpio is the indicator for the sculpture topic of the house. It`s reflex to achieve perfect reproduction of viusalized objects makes it the most important indicator for imaging, photography, stone masonry and construction work. The second coordinate of the site is located in practical air sign Gemini sign of roads, road crossings and indicator for the atmosphere of a place near a major traffic route. Gemini as the sign of communication and advertisement is also the indicator here for the idea to attract attention by turning the hotel building into a signpost.