Astrology, People and Places: Alexis Tsipras`Constellation at the Office of the Greek Prime Minister
Compare: Greek politics: The astrogeographical position of Athens and the Greek Debt Crisis, Astrogeography and the Political Situation of Single Countries Worldwide
Greek Culture and Mythology: Aphrodite`s birth place and the Temple at Aphrodisias, Oracle of Delphi, The magic of prediction in ancient greek culture, The Birth place of Zeus in Jupiter`s sign Sagittarius, Three Steps to Mount Olympus, The Temple of the Eleusinian Mysteries, The Tower of the Winds in Athens
Astrology of Prime Ministers and Presidents: Obama, Lincoln and the Astrogeography of the White House, Robespierre, De Gaulle, Sarkozy and the Élysée-Palace, Helmut Kohl`s astrogeography in Bonn, Angela Merkel and the Astrogeographic Constellation of the German Chancellery,
The astrogeographical position of the parliament area around Syntagma Square in Athens is located at 18° Virgo plus 15° Scorpio for morphogenetic field level 1 which defines the global significance of the greek capital. This constellation too can be compared to Alexis Tsipras individual birth chart in order to understand the global dimension of Tsipras role as Greek Prime Minister.
But for the national dimension of Tsipras role in relation to Greece the astrogeographical positionof the Seat of the Prime Minister at Maximos Mansion for field level 3 should be considered in the first place. Field level 3 describes how the place is embedded in the greek capital Athens.

Astrogeographical position for Field level 3: Maximos Mansion was built between 1912 and 1921 right in the middle of self protective earth sign Virgo the sign of reason, work, duties and adjustment to necessities with the second coordinate in the middle of relaxed, spiritual water sign Pisces the sign of hiding, retreating, temples, imagination, illusion, corruption and letting go. In fact the 2 coordinates of the site are in straight opposition. The question arises wether this constellation is to be seen as negative because contradictory and ambiguous in itself or wether the opposition simply reflects the demands for the office of the Prime Minister as a place that in itself covers a particularly wide range of different and problematic aspects.

The Virgo position of the Seat of the Prime Minister falls in house 4 of Alexis Tsipras` birth chart indicating feeling at home and deeply rooted in the political class, hierarchy, patriotic issues and responsibility of the office here. This aspct is highly positive and stands for success, long-term employment and strong identification with the site of one`s job.
The second coordinate in Pisces falls right on the opposite position of the coordinate in Virgo indicating a tendencially ambiguos and contradictory situation for Tsipras (just like for any other greek Prime Minister at this adress of course). This aspect falls right onto Jupiter in Tsipras` natal chart at the end of house 10 and next to the cusp of house 11. On a personal level it indicates the appeal for an aristocratic carreer and the desire to leave ones personal social background behind. This is because of Jupiter`s role as the indicator for the appeal for success, victory, luxury and the desire to be part of the upper classes. On a political level house 11 can be evaluated as an aspect heading for reforms, change and reconnection with the full potential of the country`s ressources. But of course Jupiter especially when in Pisces is no dramatically clear, predictable or honest aspect for a revolution. It can be also suspected to be a definite indicator for manipulation and corruption. On the other hand it has to be considered that realistically world politics can not be practised without manipulation. Therefore it is evident that this aspect of Tsipras` relation to his office is to some extent natural and maybe even highly auspiscious and promising for his own personal regards and purposes and of course for the forces that he chooses to work for.
Jupiter in Pisces in 11 as an indicator for Zeus, Greek Oligarchs, Corruption, Manipulation, Secrete Societies
Jupiter is the roman version of the greek godfather Zeus. His position in house 11 in Tsipras birth chart indicates Zeus`s help, protection and goodwill. Because of Zeus`s position in Pisces the sign of the ocean it also indicates support from greek ship owner oligarchs.
Apart from that the position of Jupiter in Pisces in house 11 can be expected as a clear indication of help from secrete societies (global actors), italian governments because Pisces is the sign of italian (and catholic) culture and other hidden groups. This too is of course no real surprise as this surely is the case with every government on the planet!!! On the other hand the constellation here is an outstandingly clear potential indication of a man acting in accord with global organisations. Therefore the question about the actual long-term aims of the Tsipras government should not be neglected or done with superficial explanations. I don´t want to say that Tsipras can only be understood through conspirational theories. But it has to be understood that Tsipras` policy to split the EU into a northern and a southern sphere is clearly supporting the strategical plans of global players whose intention is to weaken or destroy the European Union.
Astrogeographic position for Field level 1: Tsipras`Jupiter position conjunct Jupiter in “Modern Greece`s Birth Chart”
The astrogeographical position of the parliament area around Syntagma Square in Athens is located at 18° Virgo plus 15° Scorpio for morphogenetic field level 1 which defines the global significance of the greek capital.

The above astrological birth chart for the modern Greek Democracy is calculated for the swearing in of Konstantin Karamanlis as new president on 24 July 1974, 4.00, Athens (source: N.Campion “Book of world Horoscopes”). Nicholas Campion proposes 2 other astrological foundation dates one on 25 March 1821 and another one on 3 February 1830. All the three dates show intense transits over or near 18° Pisces the opposition point to the 18° Virgo coordinate of the greek government which currently (2015) is transited by Chiron.
Pisces as the sign of the ocean is the ruler of ships and therefore to be considered as the ruler of ship owners. The position of highly expansive Jupiter the planet of Zeus at 17° Pisces in opposition to the greek government hints at a permanent threat to the greek government by the beneficiaries of political and economic corruption, greek oligarchs and other secrete rulers of the country. Therefore the question has to be asked who Zeus really is !!!
Conspirational Theories
Apart form that: here`s a typical page with conspirational theories about Tsipras` allies which itself is manipulated by global players.