J. K. Rowling and the Birth Place of Harry Potter

J. K. Rowling and the Birth Place of Harry Potter

Astrology, People and Places: J. K. Rowling and the Birth Place of Harry Potter

Elephant House on George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, Scotland, birthplace of Harry Potter where J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter. Photo: Nicolai Schäfer,ccbysa3.0
Elephant House on George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, Scotland where J.K. Rowling wrote the first parts of Harry Potter is located in Gemini with Aquarius. Photo: Nicolai Schäfer,ccbysa3.0

The Elephant House on George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, Scotland, birthplace of Harry Potter where J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter. Astrogeographic position: located in the first degrees of practical air sign Gemini the sign of pathways and bridges and indicator for the position of the bar on a bridge. Gemini also indicates pubercy, schools, learning, education, technology and practical magic. 2nd coordinate of the bar is located in the first degrees of creative, innovative, spiritual air sign Aquarius sign of the sky, inspiration, self-finding, abstraction, spiritual quest, illumination and indicator for the options of multidimensional activities in the Harry Potter books.
The constellation is valid for field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the bar itself.

The Elephant House in relation to J.K. Rowling`s birth chart

Astrological birth chart for J.K. Rowling born on 31 July 1965 calculated for 01:49:48 at Yate, ENG. Birth time by Isaac Starkma
Astrological birth chart for J.K. Rowling born on 31 July 1965 calculated for 01:49:48 at Yate, ENG. Birth time is rectified by Isaac Starkman and probably not precise but  reveals  how Rowling is judged in comtemporary astrology. I`m suggest to at least give it a try to consoider its relevence for astrogeographical evaluation

In the rectified birth chart for J.K. Rowling the position of Elephant House in the first degrees of Gemini and Aquarius support the 12th and the 9th houses. The constellation indicates the place of a vision quest for J.K. Rowling. The 12th house aspect is known to stimulate imagination, mystification, perception of other dimensions, subtle reality and a spiritual outlook. It stands for a hiding place where one goes to take a time out, forget about everyday life and feel undisturbed,

The ninth house describes the effect of the place on Mrs. Rowling as highly stimulative for thinking, sketching, mental plans, composition and an overview over the time structure within the written prose.  It could help in matters of style, ornamentation of the storyline and caricature of characters. The position of Lilith right on the degree of the bar indicates dealing with unconscious personal issues of insecurity, lost potentials, pains and castration that could possibly to some extent be reflected and overcome in the process of writing.