Astrology, Events and Places: The Celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg on 4 April 1561- the apparition of extraterrestrians, angelic forces or a release of tension from the common unconscious through the morphogenetic field

“Around dawn on April 14, 1561, residents of Nuremberg saw what they described as an aerial battle, followed by the appearance of a large black triangular object and then a large crash outside of the city. According to witnesses, there were hundreds of spheres, cylinders and other odd-shaped objects that moved erratically overhead…” (see wikipedia article)
Astrogeographic position
The celestial phenomenon described by eye witnesses as an aerial battle occurred near Nuremberg on 4 April 1561 at dawn. For morphogenetic field level 1 which reflects the global level of resonance in the morphogenetic field the astrogeographic position for the Imperial Castle at Nuremberg is located at 12° of the fire sign Sagittarius and 13° of air sign Gemini. These two coordinates fall in exact opposition describing the site as a place of the resonance of opposite elements. The transit of Pluto at 11°30` in a tight square with both astrogeographic coordinates of the City indicates that the position of the town was under extreme threat and high tension. His transit at the moment of the event is a clear indication that the event occurred due to problematic issues at the place itself. A battle of extraterrestrians “about their own affairs” should therefore be astrologically excluded.
Sagittarius the sign of archers, aiming and attempts to hit a target is the astrological indicator for the shooting. Gemini the sign of technological expansion, innovation and intelligence stands for the aspect of highly developed weapon technologies observed here. The astrogeographic positions in these 2 signs were occupied by the oppositon of the Moon at 19° Sagittarius with Saturn at 17° Gemini on that day. The constellation was not exactly over the City of Nuremberg but around 25 km southwest. For an aerial battle this could describe that the fight of the aircrafts might have been over a large area as some aircrafts were reportedly moving over or into the Sun in the east of the town.

The above chart is calculated for the Nuremberg Celestial Event on 4.4.1561 (jul.) at sunrise and for the City of Nuremberg, The Extremely tight square between Mars in Capricorn the sign of governments and the Rising Sun in Aries both in positions having to do with the warrior and soldier castes indicate the topic of a battle between two armies/aerial forces. The conjunction of Mercury with Jupiter in the first degrees of Taurus the sign of occupying territory stands for the position of the conquering forces coming from the east (Sunrise point) while the ruling forces indicated by Mars in house 10 (above the territory) are attacking them. The conjunction of Neptune with Venus in house 2 (nomadic constellation of loss of property) describes the position of the defenders of the possession of territory as weak. Pluto in house 12 in his role as a co-ruler of Uranus in house 7 could be an indicator for the apparition of extraterrestrians, angelic forces or a mere release of tension, fear, suppressed enrgies and religious hysteria from the common unconscious via the morphogenetic field.
Of course the possibility that the described event was a simple test of fireworks can not be excluded completely but the astrological constellation contains such intense aspects of warfare and a battle about possession of territory that the event can hardly be explained as a mere show.