Astrology and Places: Bridges of Sighs – a comparative study
This is a short study of bridges which are named “Bridge of Sighs”, all of them for a different reason. I want to show how conclusions about the actual atmosphere of a place and the significance of names, forms and other features of a building can be drawn by the astrogeographical reading of the signs.
The Bridge of Sighs in Venice connects the new prison with the interrogation rooms at the Doge`s Palace. The view from the bridge was the last view of the world convicts would see before their imprisonment. It has become archetypal in the course of history and bridges worldwide have been named after it.
It is situated in the combination of the two last signs of the zodiac Aquarius with Pisces for radius/field level 4. Both signs stand for the spiritual body and refer to aspects of reality that go beyond the physically visible world. Therefore the atmosphere of the place and it´s impression on the convicts that were transferred over the bridge can be imagined to have been like a situation of disappearing from the physical world.

Hertford Bridge is a small arch bridge in Oxford, England which connects two parts of Hertford College with one another. It is located in the combination of the earth sign Capricorn with the air sign Aquarius. The form of an arch is a feature of Sagitarius and not of the signs Aquarius and Capricorn in the first place. But in this case the fact that while passing over this bridge people have to ascend to the top of the arch and then step down on the other side, is to be regarded as an element of both these two signs. In astrological geomantical field studies they are to be seen as the main indicators for variations of altitude in landscapes.
The “Rakotzbrucke” (picture below) in the Azalea and Rhododendronpark Kromlau in Germany is another example for an arch bridge in the combination of Aquarius and Capricorn. Any confrontation of the topics of these two signs with each other has the potential for a lot of tension. While Aquarius stands for an urge for freedom and independence Capricorn represents the reflex to strictly follow handed down traditions. The Rakotzbrücke may be seen to symbolically stand for an attempt to bring these two spheres together. But even though or should I say because it is made from basalt stone it is so shaky that people are not allowed to cross over.

The Bridge of Sighs in Cambridge connects St. John`s College with Cambridge University. It is located in the combination of the water sign Scorpio which stands for still waters with the fire sign Sagitarius the indicator of particularly detailed decoration and the form of the bridge of an arch or bow. Both aspects are valid for radius/field level 4 which describes the building itself..

The Bridge of Sighs in Frankfurt today connects two parts of the City Hall, but used to be the connection of the Central Court with the City Hall. It is located in the constellation of the water sign Cancer with the fire sign Aries. Cancer is the primary and most important sign forpersonal emotions. It has a natural aspect of tension (square) with Aries the sign of action and also of aggression. The combination of these two signs is a possible indicator for physical and emotional pain and torture. Therefore “sighing” as an expression of pain could possibly be related to cases of torture and emotions of injustice at this place.

The “Bridge of Sighs” in Barranco in the town of Lima in Peru connects the church La Ermita which because of the vicinity to the beach has been built on a higher ground with the central town area. The bridge is a famous meeting place for lovers. Both astrogeographical coordinates are in theromantic air sign Libra, the main astrological indicator for relationships, romantic love and marriage. When crossing the bridge people pass from a morphogenetical field in Libra to one in Scorpio.

Virginia Street Bridge in Reno, Nevada is also referred to as “Wedding Ring Bridge” or “Bridge of Sighs”. Freshly divorced women are said to throw their wedding rings into the river here. The bridge is located in the last degrees of the earth sign Capricorn, the sign of separation.
The 2nd coordinate is in the fire sign Sagitarius which could indicate playing with traditions and a sense of humour or caricature here. Particularly Sagitarius may stand for the urge for freedom and may be assumed to stimulate any act of liberation from marriage here. In the 1961 film “Misfits” Marilyn Monroe throws her wedding ring into the Truckee River from Virginia Street Bridge.