Astrology and Art: Metalmorphosis by David Černý. On the astrogeographical analysis of works of art as parts and punctuations of the landscape.
Compare: Scorpio as the sign of sculpting, The astrogeographical position of Prague,
Astrology and Art: Metalmorphosis by David Černý

Metalmorphosis I is a mirrored water fountain created by Czech sculptor David Černý at the Whitehall Technology Park in Charlotte, North Carolina. The 14-ton sculpture is made from stainless steel layers that rotate 360 degrees and occasionally align to create a giant head. The different layers can be shifted separately like for a constructivist study of the different elements of our heads, the faces we wear, the states of mind we`re in and the different aspects of our identity that the different parts of our heads represent.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the sculpture itself: the site is located in the combination of solid, fixed water sign Scorpio the sign of sculpting, steel, metal working, imaging and photography with earth sign Virgo the sign of reason, health and psychology. The coordinate in Virgo falls exactly on the first degree of the sign which in the Dane Rudhyar interpretation of the Sabian Symbols is actually described as a man`s head :
“Phase 151 – 1° Virgo: In a portrait, the significant features of a man`s head are artistically emphasized. Keynote: The capacity to picture to oneself the salient features and the overall meaning of any life situation.”
By leaving aside the rest of the human body David Černý`s sculpture presents a single part of the being of a human for examination. The symbolism of the head as a part of the human body and life may include a number of aspects: perception, thinking, personality, deciding, self control, mind control, suppressed emotions, intellectuality and so on. Virgo as the sixth astrological element even though a summer sign therefore part of the emotional body has a particular focus on analytical intellectuality. Because Virgo stands for a skin which protects the inner organs from being directly exposed to the outside world it`s function for the whole of the nervous system is self-protection and particularly protection of our individual emotionality. In this sense Virgo literally stands for control over personal emotions and the craving for controllable intellectuality. In this sense and and at this particular site in Virgo the head isolated from the rest of the body is almost archetypal for the sign of Virgo.
Scorpio the sign of collossal sculptures in contrast to it´s subsequent sign Sagittarius which stands for ornamentation and the artwork on fine details in sculpting stands for rather raw and coarse elements of style (compare: Scorpio as the sign of sculpting). As the main indicating sign for welding and metalworking it is to be related to the basic, technical features of sculptures in the first place. Scorpio relates to the eighth circuit in the nervous system and as a part of the mental body stands for the capacity for mental perception including the processing of traumas and pain. This is how intellectuality in Scorpio can have a tendency of being traumatically cut off from the emotional body. In Scorpio both aspects intellectuality and emotionality tend to be limited to defensive reflexes. This is how the astrogeographic position of the sculpture relates it`s motif to the head of a roboter, android or machine here.
The neutralisation and traitlessness of the face expression may be related to either of the two coordinates of the place Virgo and Scorpio. In regard to Virgo it would stand for the desire for mental control and the consciousness about the habitual patterns behind emotionality. In relation to Scorpio it stands for states in which the traumatic issues or patterns of role behaviour cover up individual expression.

Matalmorphosis pt. II in Prague
Černý later created a second metalmorphosis sculpture for his native town of Prague. It depicts the great Czech author Franz Kafka from Prague.

The Metalmorphosis II sculpture in Prague is located in a shopping area. in Scorpio with Sagittarius
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the sculpture iteslf: the site is located in the combination of solid, fixed water sign Scorpio the sign of sculpting, steel, metal working, imaging and photography with dynamic mental fire sign Sagittarius sign of style, design, fashion, observation, different perspectives, caricature, comics and the sign of thinking, philosophy, shamanism and initiation.