Read more about the article The 64 Yogini Temples in astrogeography
The Central Sanctorum of the 64 Yogini temple is now dedicated to the worship of Shiva Soumya Mukherji, ccbysa4.0

The 64 Yogini Temples in astrogeography

The 64 Yogini Temples in astrogeography: Chausath Yogini Temples - tantric temples dedicated to the godesses and their spiritual practice. Astrology, temples, architecture, tantric worship and the roots of astrology:…

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Read more about the article Mahavatar Babaji in Astrology
Mahavatar Babaji

Mahavatar Babaji in Astrology

Mahavatar Babaji in Astrology. Cancer with Scorpio as indications of the Shiva archetype at the birth place of Babaji in Tamil Nadu Related articles: Cancer and Scorpio – Shiva in two…

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Read more about the article Maha Shivaratri the long journey of Shiva
Mandi Shivaratri Fair photo; vinodbahal, ccbysa2.0

Maha Shivaratri the long journey of Shiva

Maha Shivaratri the long journey of Shiva in astrology. Astrological data and observations on the deeper meaning of important Hindu festival. Compare: The Sites of the 12 Jyotirlinga in Astrology, Pashupatinath…

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