Read more about the article Brazil and its capital Brasilia in Astrology
Palace of the Dawn at night, the official residence of the President of Brazil, in Brasília located in Cancer with Virgo. In the foreground, the sculptural group The Bathers, by Alfredo Ceschiatti ph: Thum_Fel, GFDL

Brazil and its capital Brasilia in Astrology

Brazil and its capital Brasilia in Astrology. Birth & foundation charts in the history of Brazil and the astrogeographical position of Brasilia. Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A - Z:…

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Read more about the article Christo Redentor and other Jesus statues in astrology
The Cristo Rei de Almada statue has one coordinate on the last degree of Sagittarius and next to the cardinal divide of the winter solstice at 0°Capricorn. The 2nd coordinate is in Gemini. ph: Deensel, ccbysa2.0

Christo Redentor and other Jesus statues in astrology

Christo Redentor Statue looking over Rio

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