The area of effect of homeopathy

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The area of effect of homeopathy

The area of effect of homeopathy. A short introduction to the logic of ultra-dilution of poisons and of Astrological Homeopathy

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The area of effect of homeopathy.
Astrological remedies for self-treatment of covid 19

The area of effect of homeopathy

All substances that we come into contact with have effects on our physical as well as psychic psychological) systems.

Homeopathic dilutions of poisons and other substances

The dilution of substances reduces their physical effect. The less the quantity taken in of a substance the less its effects on the physical body.

Homeopathic dilutions differ from microdosed dilutions in that the degree of dilution is increased many times more. Microdosing through dilution is practiced to take small quantities of poisons or drugs so that the physical effect is reduced. But a direct physical effect is still included in the way they effect the physical body.

With a homeopathic dilution in the form of a C 30 the concentratation of the tincture of the chosen poison used is diluted centimally, i.e. in the ratio of 1 drop of poison to 100 drops of water. That would then be a C 1 – and it makes sense that this would still be a microdose not a homeopathioc dilution.

This microdose is then diluted again in a ratio of 1:100 to produce a C 2 – so that a dilution level of 1 :100.000 is already achieved. This would be the first homoepathic potentiation.

The potentiation ratio of C 30 then means that a drop of water contains an amount of the mother tincture of the poison in a ratio of 1 to an amount of water drops with 60 zeros.

The effect of psychological information, images and materials on people is what mega-dilutions are all about.

When you dilute strychnine, snake venom, material infected with pathogens, etc., the information about the dissolution of the poison is created.

Such dilutions contain the information of the contraindication of those poisons stored in the memory (psyche) and also in the body tissue that correspond to the spectrum of effects of the respective homeopathic remedy.

In abstract terms, for the psyche this means: a poisonous homeopathic remedy contains the information that the poison is now gone. And the higher the potentiation the longer and further gone is the poison.

And with it the psychological information that reflexes stored in the memory as a self-protection mechanism for protection from dangers are contra-indicated. Our system is so informed that the danger to life associated with the psychic memories stored in our brain and body related to that poison are now contra-indicated and the probability of the feared scenario has become less.

That does not mean the memory of danger stored in our system has been deleted. But our system has been infromed that there is a possibility of the danger not being there. Our system now knows that the source of a particular cause of danger can be dissolved. There now exists a memory of the possibility that a solution for it may be found..

There are aspects of deep relaxation in our memory that may depend on the mere notion of such an “all clear” message to be possible.

And birth chart astrology seeks to identify them. That is the simple aim of ASTROLOGICAL HOMEOPATHY.

Example: Allergies

Such a psychological reaction to the appearance of symbols of danger like animal hair, house dust or sperms has been studied in such a way that a person reacts to a memory of fear of death without the danger being actually present.

Of course, 4 kilos of house dust or symbols of fertility such as birch pollen, milk, animal hair, nuts can also be fatal if inhaled or eaten at a time. But very small amounts can only be dangerous if the psychological reaction is ALL-ERGIC.

The actual survival function of the defense system does not react onto danger but onto to the memory of an interpretation made of the existing “impression poison” in the individual memory store, i.e. the psyche.

People react allergically onto the symbol which in their stored memory is related to causing angst, fear, pain, trauma, horror. And they fear life and “uncontrollable” emotionality and feritlity in the form of animal hair and sperms, seeds, nuts, milk.

And because they cannot cope with the uncontrollable.

And in case of house dust I assume the fear of dying caught up as a slave in the household prison.

Example: Allergic reaction to the excessive demands to intelligence

I have thought of the following wording as an astrological definition for INTELLIGENCE in the sense of the functions of House 3: Intelligence can be defined as the readiness of a living being to make use of its potentials. It is the availability and compatibility of the physically existing potential.

We are all familiar with the excessive demands to our intelligence and compatibility of our minds through being exposed to information passed on to us through modern media which we cannot verify, digest, control, understand nor cope with.

Not only when we are too tired or distracted by multi-tasking. But also when it comes to botox, maths, computer programming, politics, AI or psychological warfare, mental manipulation, aggressive wordings a.s.o.

An allergic reaction would be one that reacts to the fear of being overwhelmed by excessive quantities or specific qualities of information, or by circumstance of threats,competition, perceived dangers, fears of fears, angst a.s.o..

Fear of wordings interpreted as an “overstrain, challenge, danger, stress, threat or insult to an individual`s intelligence” in one way or another trigger a fear scenario. And simply because intelligence is a vital function. .