The Top 20 Gold Mines worldwide in astrogeography: Gold Rush in the three air signs. On the astrology of gold.
Compare: Astrology, Geology and Places: Mines in astrogeography,Lake Guatavita the site of El Dorado, The Origin of the Inca Gold – the Pyramid City of Túcume
The Top 20 Gold Mines worldwide

image: Jinesh P.S, cco1.0
Gold Rush in the three air signs – or how to understand the fact that 18 out of the Top 20 gold mines in 2016 by production are located in air signs? How to explain this stunning result of astrogeographical field study? Is it because all gold on our planet came here from outer space? Is it because the gold has been washed into deposits through the veins of the still functioning and former river beds?
Here comes the table of the Top 20 Goldmines worldwide by production in 2016 with their astrogeographic positions for morphogenetic field level 2 (city).

Where the Law of Attraction is no factor
Theoretically places with a strong astrogeographical resonance of fire sign Leo are first on the list of probable places where astrological consideration would expect gold to be found. Simply because Leo is the astrological simile of gold. But gold in larger concentrations is not found in places with a Leo resonance. At least the large gold mines on our planet are not located in Leo – the sign of centralism, attraction and through its role as the sign of the sun indicator for the strongest possible gravitation. A 2nd optional sign in which gold could be expected to have been collected is earth sign Taurus the sign of earth`s gravitation, markets, wealth, money, possessions and collecting. But apart from the Olimpada Mine in Siberia and three other places where the mining is done on the divide between Taurus and Gemini this is simply not the case. The exclusion of the two most attractive zodiac signs should serve as enough proof to conclude that gold is not concentrated at places through the strength of gravity (attractiveness). This must seem obvious from the point of view of a geological examination but is at the same time a strong statement against mystification and occultism in astrological thinking. It means that astrological symbolism can not be used through plain, blind, dumb equations but rather through examination of the underlying aspects of the overall picture of those processes examined with the help of astrology
90 % of the largest gold mines are located in air signs
The fact that nearly all the large mines fall in air signs could be explainable by several theories.
First of all: the largest bit of the mining is done in open pit mines as this is the gold that can be reached most easily. This means that the astrogeography of the lergest mines is due to open air mining but does not necessarily mean that gold deposits are in the air signs in the first place.
Secondly: there is the consideration that Gold is not created on our planet but stems from meteorite impacts, This could mean that places in air signs – which are potentially breathing and inhaling spots of our planet are most likely the places where gold comes down.
Thirdly: as gold is washed into river beds by water there is the question whether places in air signs show centers, interfaces or road crossings of the canal systems (nadis) of our planet where the metals are transported and gathered due to their weight.
Capricorn`s role and Witwaters Rand
Capricorn the sign of the most hard and solid rock is the 2nd most frequent factor for gold mines. This could be because Capricorn stands for places where harder rock serves as a barrier that makes it easier for metal deposits to be stored. The astrogeographical positions of Witwatersrand the largest known gold deposits on our planet in Capricorn supports this factor

The place of the largest known gold deposits on our planet is Witwatersrand near Johannesburg in South Africa in which area alone 50 % of all gold ever processed was found. At Witwatersrand the coordinate for the astrogeographical longitude lies in earth sign Capricorn whereas the astrogeographical latitude stretches between the last decade of Sagittarius and the first decade of Capricorn. This is valid for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the energetical topics of the region of the Whitwaterand on a supra-regional. international and global level.
Virgo as the sign of mining
Earth sign Virgo the sign of mining (and dwarfs) plays a relatively important role in the list of the largest gold mines. The sign is of course no natural indicator for gold itself but rather for the mining work and possibly also for remote and protected places that serve as gold deposits.
Las Medulas
Las Médulas near the town of Ponferrada in the comarca of El Bierzo was the most important goldmine, as well as the largest open-pit gold mine, in the entire Roman Empire.

The landscape of Las Médulas, Spain is the result of hydraulic mining on a vast scale by the Ancient Romans. The area is located in the combination of water sign Cancer with fire sign Aries (fl2 – city).
Gold Rush in Astrology
California Gold Rush 1848 to 1853
On January 24, 1848, James W. Marshall discovered a gold nugget during construction work on a saw mill at Coloma, California, This triggered the great California Gold Rush of 1848 to 1853, which is said to have attracted 300,000 people. The peak of the wave began to subside after 1849.
Astrogeographical Position
Astrogeographical position of the Coloma discovery site for Field Level 1 (larger region, suraregional, global impact):
- 28° Leo (148°): lies on the last degrees of Leo – the so – called “royal degrees” that represent the maximum of the development and “radiance” of the sign of the sun, the heart and the “mother sign” of gold.
- 19° Capricorn (289°): in the 2nd half of the sign of stones, mountains and public space.
- The sum of 28° Leo + 19° Capricorn : 148″ + 289° = 437° = 360° + 77° = 17°Gemini:
Horoscopes: The Discovery and the Finder

- Chart: The finder James W. Marshall born October 8, 1810 (inside) with transits on the day of the find (outside)
- Mars at 15° – right in the center of the earth sign Taurus: stands for the hype and greed for money, value, wealth, possessions and also for digging and ploughing in the earth, but not so much for gold as a material (gold = Leo, metal = Scorpio)
- Arabian pont of luck: at 15° Capricorn: interestingly, it can be assumed that relatively large amounts of gold were found on the site of the corresponding astrogeographical degree which in this case is located some 18 km kilometers to the north.of the Coloma site.
- Venus (money, possessions) at 21° Sagittarius (search, euphoria, hunting, playfulness, adventure): the aspect also explains the fascination with the experience of searching and hunting for prey and finds.
- Uranus was at 15° Aries in exact opposition to the Sun at 15° Libra in the finder’s horoscope: The unexpected surprise could be interpreted as hype and a state of excitement and Kundalini (Uranus) stimulation through the connection with the holistic nature of what is possible at any time.
Klondyke Gold Rush 1896
The Klondyke Gold Rush was triggered by a discovery by gold prospectors on August 16, 1896. Keish Skookum Jim Mason of the Tagish Indian tribe is considered to be the discoverer of the gold deposits.
According to the Wikipedia article, around 570 tons of gold have been found on the Klondyke so far. Even today, around 1.5 tons are mined each year.

The Klondike gold rush started.In the afternoon of August 16, 1896, the first piece of gold was found in the Yukon by prospectors at Discovery Claim at Bonanza Creek around 17 kilometres south-southeast of Dawson City in the Yukon, Canada.
Astrogeographical Position
Astrogeographical position of the Klondyke Discovery Site for Field Level 1 (larger region, suraregional, global impact):
- 26°Sagittarius (267°): Sign of searching, finding, hunters, euphoria, adventure, travelling. The last 10 degrees of fire sign Sagittarius represent a particularly harmonious, connstrictive and positve situation and relatiionship to the royal degrees of Leo the sign of gold.
- 8°Gemini (68°):
- Sum of the 2 coordinates: 335° = 5°Aquarius
Astrogeographical position for field level 2 (city – ca.: 12 x 10 km zones):
- Air sign Aquarius (sky, outer space): . for field level 2 air signs are simply symptomatic for sites where gold is present in larger quantities. See the table “Top 20 Goldmines in 2016”.
- Water sign Cancer sign of river beds:
Astrogeographical position for field level 4 (lexact position of the site – ca. 80 x 60 m zones):
- Leo. sign of gold, glamour, sun, heart
- Capricorn. sign of mountains rocks, solid material, public space
- Combination of Leo (gold) with Capricorn (public space): the sign combination may be explored here through formulas like: GOLD IN PUBLIC SPACE or GOLD IN THE FORM OF STONES
- Regarding the sum of the midpoints of Leo and

- Sun conjunct the South Node: at 24°-25°in Leo the so – called “royal degrees” that represent the maximum of the development and “radiance” of the sign of the sun and heart and the “mother sign” of gold.
- These zodiac degrees also indicate a (relative) maximum of gold or any other manifestation, correspondence and resonance of the sign of Leo.
- The astrological signum of the South Node in Leo the sign of gold with the North Node in its anti-sign Aquarius may be explored as the image of a removal (North Node as the sign of aims and outcomes) of the material from the place.
- The North Node on the last and most exalted degrees of air sign Aquarius is as in the statistical calculation for the location of the top 20 gold mines an indication of
- Sun (heart) – Jupiter (seeking, hunting, expanson) Conjunction in the sign of gold: since the Sun and Jupiter are the 2 largest of the 12 systemical astrologocal planets the aspect also includes the indication of a maximum of quantity, mass, attractivity, expansion and emotional fascination .