The Gemini Giant sculpture is located in Gemini
Astrology, sculptures & places: The Gemini Giant as a guardian sculpture and iconic image of personal liberty and the right for playfulness
Compare: The superlarge Statue of Hanuman on a roadside in India also located in the combination of Gemini with Aries is a really stunning and absolutely fascinating parallel to the case of the Gemini Giant.

The Gemini Giant is a fiberglass sculpture (Muffler Man) standing outside the Launching Pad Drive-In restaurant.on the roadside of Route 66 in Wilmington, Ilinois. The iconic sculpture was erected in the Gemini year of 1965 – a year in which Jupiter was in transit through air sign Gemini, the sign of roads and most important astrological indicator for US-American culture.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the function, atmosphere and energetical situation of the Gemini Giant at the site itself: one coordinate lies in practical, neutral air sign Gemini sign of pathways, roads, bridges, signposts, information, learning, technology, practical solutions, curiosity, pubercy. personal liberty and the most important inidcator for US vulture together with dynamic, male fire sign Aries sign of action, speed, warfare, sports, ignition, rockets, new starts and unicellular organisms. The location on the side of the road is reflected in the position Gemini and also to some extent in the position in Aries the sign of speed.
The contrast of the colours green & white is smptomatic of Gemini`s role as the sign of twins, duality and dualism. Compare Sun Bear and Wabun`s “Medecine Wheel” for the correspondency of the combination of the colours green plus white with air sign Gemini.
Through the direct correspondency of the name and represented image of the Gemini Man and the information sent out by the statue with the astrogeographical topic of the site the sculpture`s function as a guardian statue is intensely stregthened, At this site Gemini Giant “stands up” for the right to move freely, feel easy, play one´s own games and live up to one`s own curiosity and desires.