Astrology & Magical Places: The Magical Temple Area of Nan Madol
Astrogeographically Nan Madol appears to have been the site of a royal court built to establish the rule of a royal dynasty and consolidate the new empire through building a temple and representative center for a higher cultural ideal.

The name of Nan Madol means “spaces between” refering to the canals between the 100 artificial islets and plattforms built from basalt stones stone and coral fill in a lagoon on the east coast of Pohnpei Island in the Pacific State of Micronesia. Nan Madol served as the central temple area and the seat of the kings and aristocracy for the local kingdom.

Nan Madol was the ceremonial center and political seat of the Saudeleur Dynasty which united Pohnpei’s estimated 25,000 people from around 1100 until about 1628. The enwalled construction site ia about 1.5 km long and 0.5 km wide.
Astrogegraphic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere of the construction site itself: the area is located between mystic, spiritual water sign Pisces sign of the ocean, imagination, mystification, temples, legends, the reconnection with the spiritual plane and dynamical, male fire sign Aries the sign of action, fighting, strongholds, new beginnings and fresh energies. In case of temple sites Aries is symptomatic of places dedicated to fire rituals, sacrifice and rituals held to get blessings before starting warfare. The 2nd coordinate lies in emotional water sign Cancer the sign of coastlines, lakes, lagoons and the natural habitat of crabs. On a psycholgical level Cancer supports emotional independence, individuality, authenticity and feeling at home at a place or in a group of people.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetical field level 2 which defines the function of Nan Madol for Micronesia: one coordinate lies on the first degree of highly megnetic royal fire sign Leo sign of the Sun. The position on the first degree of the sign of kings is to be taken as an indication that the construction of the islands was carried out for establishing a new kingdom or the rule of a dynasty. The second coordinate lies in aristocratic air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, justice, peace, beauty, decoration, the ideal of a higher culture and a strong tendency for rectangular and symmetrical designs in architecture. Royal sign Leo and aristocratic Libra combine the two most important indicators for the seat of a royal court.