The Zika Virus in astrology & astrogeography, Astrology, Events & Places: the origin at the Zika Forrest in Uganda an approximate birth chart and events related to the Zika Virus warnings since 2015
It is not known for how long the Zika Virus has existed. See the astrological chart for the year of the discovery in 1947 at the bottom of this page. For the relationship of microzephaly and other birth defects with the tdap vaccine read this article.
News: Is Zika Virus Or The Tdap Vaccine Causing Birth Defects In Brazil?, UN health agency urges action now in European countries to prevent Zika virus spread, World Health Organisation declares Zika virus public health emergency

Because of the intense astrogeographical resonance of the site of the Zika Forrest with the signs Aries and Aquarius Uranus` transit through Aries is to be seen as the most important astrological indicator for the events around the fast spreading of the virus during the last years. On the day of the declaration of the state of emergency Mars as the ruler of Aries and thus of Uranus was conjunct the Moon in Scorpio. Moon – Mars aspects are known for the tendency of violent, passionate and even hysterical reactions. The position of the Moon – Mars conjunction in Scorpio is of highest importance because Pluto as the ruling planet of Scorpio was in an exact square position to Uranus from earth sign Capricorn the sign of government institutions and thus a major indicator for public control over the spreading of diseases. The conjunction of Pluto with Mercury would even further explain this constellation in Capricorn as the astrological indicators for the reaction of the “World Health Organization”.
The reported extremely fast spreading of the Zika virus over the planet in the short period of only 2 years since 2014 does not seem really plausible, as there has not been a significant increase of global travelling during that period. The probability of the spreading by the pharmaceutical industry itself for fast profits is therefore high.
In this case for an astrological evaluation the Mercury-Pluto conjunction known for its intense relationship to institutionalized corruption through it`s square to Urnus would be explainable as the indication for the employment of the Zika Virus for a new global campaign betraying and exploiting hundred of millions of people worldwide with the help of the WHO.
The Zika Virus relation to Uranus in Aries
According to the current version of the wikipedia entry the “Zika virus (ZIKV) is a member of the virus family Flaviviridae and the genus Flavivirus, transmitted by daytime-active Aedes mosquitoes, such as A. aegypti and Stegomyia albopicta. Its name comes from a relatively small area called Zika Forest in Uganda, where the virus was first isolated in 1947.”
Astrogeographical position of the Zika Forrest for morphogenetic field level 1 the plane of worldwide importance has one coordinate at 0° and one at 27° Pisces. 0° Pisces in medical astrology is known for 2 major aspects: Mars-Neptune the topic of infections of the blood and secondly Saturn-Neptune the constellation related to pollution and posening of the blood and liver symptoms. The constellations in Pisces in regard to worldwide politics stand for the return of Neptune the indicator for pollution and the hiding and supression of the true nature, spiritual origin and karmical dimension of the meaning of lifer in general. In regard to the political dimension Pisces stands for manipulation and corruption.
In regard to the current astrological transits in 2016 the Saturn – Neptune square is to be seen as the
Astrogeographical position of the Zika Forrest for morphogenetic field level 2 which describes the energetical situation and qualities of the forrest, the town and local area. For this level of morphogenetical resonance that area lies in the combination of highly alert, male fire sign Aries the sign of self-defense, action, fighting for survival and new starts with creative, innovative air sign Aquarius the sign of abstraction, self-finding, radio-activity and most important indicator for mutations. The combination of Aries is to be seen as highly dynamical and the most important astrological constellation for the topic of mutations.
For an evaluation from the point of view of medical astrology this constellation could mean that the Zika virus has a relation to the metabolism of iron (Aries) which is closely related to blood production and the metabolism of oxygen (Aquarius) and the importance of these for the plane of genetical information.
First Zika travel warning for an area within the USA
A Zika warning was given out for the Wynwood Art District in Miami on 1 August 2016 by Florida Gov. Rick Scott and CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden who according to CNN announced the development in separate news conferences Monday
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the international, supraregional meaning of Miami: the city is located at around 27° of earth sign Taurus and 10° of water sign Cancer. Mars surely an indicator for mosquito bites has been transiting in opposition to this astrogeographical position of Miami since the middle of July. This transit seems to reflect the attack of the virus on the city and people living here. As the ruler of Aries Mars is also an indiocator for one of the 2 coordinates of the Zika forrest (Aries plus Aquarius).
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 2 which describes how the Wynwood Art District is embedded in the State of Florida: one coordinate lies between air sign Aquarius and water sign Pisces and the second coordinate in fire sign Leo. The constellation could surely be seen as an ideal energetical surrounding not only for presenting but also for creating and inspiring art. But the position of the east half of the Wynwood Art District in the first degrees of water sign Pisces the sign of the ocean describes the area not only as highly instable but also as an ideal breeding ground for mosquitos.
The chart below is calculated for sunrise with equal houses: