Astrology, History & Politics: The Ankara Bombings on 10 October 2015 in astrogeography
On 10 October 2015 at 10:04 local time (EEST) in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, two bombs were detonated outside the entrance of the Ankara Central railway station, killing at least 97 people and injuring more than 400 others. The attack is the deadliest of its kind in history of modern Turkey. The bombings appeared to target a ‘Labour, Peace and Democracy’ rally organised by the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK), the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB), the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) and the Confederation of Public Workers’ Unions (KESK). The rally, held in protest against the growing conflict between the Turkish Armed Forces and the separatist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), was supported by the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP). The incident came 21 days before the scheduled 1 November 2015 general election.

The astrological chart for the Ankara bomb blasts on 10 Oct 2015, 10:04 reveals a Mars, Moon, Jupiter, Venus conjunction right on midheaven. The bombing has most probably been carried out by turkish President Erdogan`s terrorist ally Islamic State which has been trained in Turkey since the US attack on Iraq in 2003 in order to weaken the kurdish people in Irak, Syria and eastern Turkey in their strife for an autonomous kurdish state. Kurds compose an estimated 20-30 of the turkish overall population. See the wikipedia article: Kurds in Turkey.
Astrogeographic position for field level 1 which describes the international meaning and global importance of the event: the bomb blasts occured right in front of the central railway station of the City of Ankara at 1° of highly magnetic, centralistic, royal fire sign Leo sign of the Sun and indicator for the role of Ankara as the turkish capital and 4° of spiritual water sign Pisces indicator of the function of the site of the capital as a comparatively remote and hidden place at the time of the choosing of the site for Turkey`s new capital in 1923 when Ankara replaced Istanbul after the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
The most important transiting factor in regard to the event is Venus which after its retrograde phase and motion from 0° Virgo since 25 July 2015 had just ingressed into Virgo again reaching the opposition to the astrogeographical coordinate of the turkisch capital giving support to a climax of tension for the turkish government through her alignment with Mars, Jupiter and the Moon.
Since the constellation in Virgo occured in opposition to the turkish government it indicates the anti government protesters. Saturn at 2° Sagittarius in house 1 (the house of the actor) and in exact square to Venus is the indicator for the forces behind the suicide bombing. Even though the attack may not have been intended by the turkish government itself – it documents the deep involvement of the Erdogan administration in the training and breeding of terrorist groups in the region. The fact that the attack on the democatic movement of Turkey was carried out shortly before the turkish general elections is a clear hint that it is intended at destabilizing and radicalizing the overall situation in the country. After the defeat of Erdogan`s AKP in the legislative elections in June 2015 the turkish government itself had turned to this means of politics in order to prevent the next defeat in the turkish general elections on 1 November 2015.
The Seat of the turkish Prime Minister
For morphogenetic field level 1 the seat of the turkisch Prime Minister in the capital Ankara is located at 3° of spiritual water sign Pisces sign of imagination, mystification, hiding, temples and particularly in politics an indicator for corruption with the 2nd coordinate 2° of highly centralistic, royal fire sign Leo.

Originally the complex was built to host the turkisch Prime Minister and government. But after being elected as turkisch president Erdogan announced that the newly built complex would serve as the residence of the president instead. It is the largest and most expensive presidential residence worldwide costing over 600 million US $.

Astrogeographic position of the new Presidential Complex in Ankara for field level 3 which describes the topics of the new buildings and how the area is embedded in the City of Ankara: the building is located right on the dide between highly alert, hierarchical, defensive water sign Scorpio sign of fortresses and dynamic fire sign Sagittarius sign of style, design and in case of fortresses for shooting.
2nd coordinate is in self-protective earth sign Virgo sign of gardening and parks and indcator for the locationof the White Palace inside the Atatürk Forest Farm a vast park complex.