Read more about the article Pluto-Neptune Cycles & Ages in Mundane Astrology
Übersicht über die Zeitalter der Menschheitsgeschichte aus Sicht der Transit - Astrologie: Die einzelnen Zeitalter innerhalb der 33.000 Jahre dauernden Super-Zyklen der Konjunktionen von Neptun & Pluto

Pluto-Neptune Cycles & Ages in Mundane Astrology

Pluto-Neptune Cycles & Ages in Mundane Astrology. Some thoughts on the astrological interpretation of the time structure of Pluto-Neptune cycles. Cornerstone articles: Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions in Political Astrology, Saturn – Neptune…

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Read more about the article Neoclassicism vs. Modernity in Astrology
Assembly of twenty gods, predominantly the Twelve Olympians, as they receive Psyche (Loggia di Psyche, 1518–19, by Raphael and his school, at the Villa Farnesina) The Greek gods deliver the background on which European modernity takes place. But the moment when they are instrumentalized for classicist purposes they are killed for modernity. ph: Paris Orlando, ccbysa4.0

Neoclassicism vs. Modernity in Astrology

Neoclassicism vs. Modernity in Astrology. Thoughts and considerations on the use of the terms classical and modern astrology. Related articles: The Navagraha Temples and other places related to Nadi Astrology,…

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