Astrology & Events: Anchorage and the Alaska earthquake of 1964
The astrogeographic position of the City of Anchorage the largest agglomeration in Alaska: Anchorage and the Alaska earthquake of 1964

Astrogeographic position of Anchorage for morphogenetic field level 2 which describes the atmosphere and regional quality of the town itself: both coordinates of the Anchorage area lie in highly alert, dynamic, male fire sign Aries sign of new starts, action, ignition, sports, warfare, fighting for survival and unicellular consciousness. The double Aries position describes the topics and role of the site on a peninsula in the Cook Inlet as an anchor place and landing site from which the journey into Alaska begins. Aries also explains the rough atmosphere in the city which püonts fat a City for men.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the supraregional, international role and importance of the City of Anchorage: Anchorage lies in the extraterrestrian combination of the two spiritual signs Aquarius and Pisces. The longitude coordinate lies at 2° in creative, innovatiive air sign Aquarius sign of the sky, heaven, escaping, self-finding, leaving the past behind and the latitude coordinate at 2° in mystic, spiritual water sign Pisces sign of the ocean, the otherworld, the unknown, hiding, legends, illusion, dreaming and the otherworld.
The 1964 earthquake near Anchorage
The magnitude 9.2 Alaska earthquake on 27 March 1964 occured 130 km east of Anchorage only 3 days after Saturn`s ingress into Pisces and into conjunction with the 2° Pisces astrogeographic position of Anchorage. The City suffered extreme damage from this superstrong earthquake.

Astrogeographic position of the Epicenter of the Earth Quake for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the supraregional role and importance of the event: both coordintes lie on the fist degrees of water sign Pisces. One coordinate lies at 0° Pisces and was exactly occupied by Saturn – who is therefore to be seen as the triggering factor for the catastrophic event. The second coordinate falls on 5° Pisces and was transited by an exact opposition of Uranus from 6°Pisces.