Astrology, History & Places: The Garissa University College Attack in astrogeography
From the wikipedia article: “On 2 April 2015 four gunmen stormed the Garissa University College in Garissa, Kenya, killing 147 people and injuring 79 or more. The militant group and Al-Qaeda offshoot, Al-Shabaab, which the gunmen claimed to be from, took responsibility for the attack. The gunmen took over 700 students hostage, freeing Muslims and killing those who identified as Christians. The siege ended the same day, when all four of the attackers were killed. Five men were later arrested in connection with the attack, and a bounty was placed for the arrest of a suspected organizer. The attack was the deadliest in Kenya since the 1998 United States embassy bombings and is the second deadliest overall, with more casualties than the 2002 Mombasa attacks, the 2013 Westgate shopping mall attack,[3] the 2014 Nairobi bus bombings, the 2014 Gikomba bombings, the 2014 Mpeketoni attacks and the 2014 Lamu attacks.”
Astrogeographic position for field level 1 which describe the supraregiona international meaning and dimension of the attack as a part of the worldwide war of fascist islamist groups: Garissa University is located at 11° Aries and 25°Taurus.

The exact astrogeographical position of the area of the Garissa University College at 10° Aries was occupied by the south node of the Moon (Ketu) falling exactly on the half sum between Mercury at 3°50` and Uranus at 16°10` Aries and conjunct the Sun at 12° Aries and conjunct the Mirror point (11°13` Aries) of Chiron`s position at 18°47`Pisces.
Even the Moon`s position at 15°52` Virgo is directly interrelated with the constellations in Aries through its mirror point opposition to 14°08 Aries. The conjunction of the moon with Lilith in house 6 is an expression of daily routine and an issue of long term calculations and planning indicating that the massacre is part of a strategical warfare.
Both Mars and even more so Venus in Taurus in house 2 are clear indications that the attackers were being paid large amounts of money. Venus position at 18°Taurus is the closest planetary aspect to the second astrogeographic coordinate of Garissa University College at 25° Taurus. Apart from the position of the Moon Venus`s position could be used as a second indicator for conclusions about the strategical basis from where the attack was carried out.
The intense resonance of the position of the South Node with the atrogeographic position of the site of the attack relates the motives of the attackers to restoring things from the past and fighting the future.
As the ruler of the constellation in Aries Mars plays a dominant role in the incident anyway. It´s position in the first degree of Taurus and at the beginning of house 2 indicates conquering and possessing territory as its main strategical purpose.